When it comes to exercising, most fitness buffs are used to hearing their instructor note ‘Feet hip-width apart!’ but what if there was an opportunity to do more interesting things with foot placement? Enter one of our favorite Reformer accessories, the Rotational Diskboard. Especially beneficial for rehab clients or clients with a limited range of motion, this accessory has both horizontal and vertical mounting slots to accommodate a variety of positioning.
We share our six favouite ways to use this unique accessory board:
1. Knee Extensions with Rotation
Lie supine on the Reformer, feet on each disk of the Rotational Diskboard, arms long by sides, pelvis and spine neutral.
Parallel Keep disks still on the press out and return.
Parallel to Lateral Press out with the legs parallel, rotate laterally then return.
Parallel to Medial Press out with the legs parallel, rotate medially then return.
Lateral to Medial Press out with the legs laterally rotated, rotate medially then return. Repeat pressing out medially rotated and return laterally rotated.
Staggered Feet Position the disks on the Deluxe Rotational Disk Board so they are in an asymmetrical alignment.Alter the position of the disks to balance out each side.
Moguls Press out with one leg laterally rotated and the other medially rotated, return with the legs rotated to the opposite side. Reverse the direction.
2. Static Rotation
Lie supine on the Reformer, feet on each disk of the Rotational Diskboard, arms long by sides, pelvis and spine neutral. Hold the carriage still and rotate the legs from the hip joint. Repeat with the carriage pushed out all the way, part-way and only a little.
Parallel to Lateral Start with the legs parallel, then rotate laterally and return
Parallel to Medial Start with the legs parallel, then rotate medially and return
Lateral to Medial Start with the legs laterally rotated, rotate medially then return. Repeat starting medially rotated and return laterally rotated.
Staggered Feet Position the disks on the Deluxe Rotational Disk Board so they are in an asymmetrical alignment. Alter the position of the disks to balance out each side.
Moguls Start with one leg laterally rotated and the other medially rotated, then rotate the legs to the opposite side. Reverse the direction.
3. Side-lying Rotation
Side-lying on the Reformer, pelvis and spine in a neutral position, head resting on Foam Cushion on the headrest, bottom hand holding the handle of the shoulder rest, bottom knee flexed on the carriage, top foot on Rotational Disk.
Parallel Keep disk still on the press out and return.
Parallel to Lateral Press out with the leg parallel, rotate laterally then return.
Parallel to Medial Press out with the leg parallel, rotate medially then return.
Lateral to Medial Press out with the leg laterally rotated, rotate medially then return. Repeat pressing out medially rotated and return laterally rotated.
Note: stack disks on the Deluxe Rotational Diskboard to activate both legs together. All variations can be done in this alignment.
4. Four-Point Kneeling
Kneeling on the carriage facing the pulleys, thumbs wrapped around shoulder rests or handles of shoulder rests, pelvis and spine neutral, one leg lifted with foot on one disk.
Parallel Keep disk still on the press out and return
Parallel to Lateral Press out with the leg parallel, rotate laterally then return
Parallel to Medial Press out with the leg parallel, rotate medially then return
Lateral to Medial Press out with the leg laterally rotated, rotate medially then return. Repeat pressing out medially rotated and return laterally rotated
5. Shoulder Rotation
Lie prone on top of a Reformer Box, long ways on carriage. Legs long and together or flexed at the knee with ankles crossed, arms long reaching overhead with palms on disks, fingers pointing up toward the ceiling.
Tricep Press Keep disk still on the press out and return.
Parallel to Lateral Press out with the arm parallel, rotate medially then return.
Lateral to Parallel Press out with the arm rotated laterally, rotate to parallel then return.
6. Shoulder Rotation Sitting
Sitting on the Reformer facing side, pelvis and spine neutral, one hand against disk, disk in the highest position, fingers pointing up toward the ceiling, other arm resting by side.
Tricep Press Keep disk still on the press out and return.
Parallel to Lateral Press out with the arm parallel, rotate medially then return.
Lateral to Parallel Press out with the arm rotated laterally, rotate to parallel then return.
Add Side Flexion (Mermaid) Keep disk still on press out with side flexion. Hold side flexion and rotate from shoulder joint.
What moves would you add to this list? Share your favorites in the comments below and let’s round this out to a top ten list!