Third-party accreditation
Several of the Merrithew® Education programs: including education from STOTT PILATES®, Total Barre®, ZEN•GA®, CORE™ Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training™ and the Merrithew® Fascial Movement Foundation Course & Workshop are recognized by a host of high-level industry bodies all over the world.
Each organization has different criteria for granting continuing education credits. Please check with your local training center and/or to confirm if the Merrithew Education offering you are looking to participate in is pre-approved with the below third-party accreditation bodies.
American Council on Exercise
Upon completion of an approved program/event, member must submit the title, Instructor Trainer/Presenter's name and event/location details to ACE directly online. Letters and certificates of completion may also be submitted as proof of attendance. Pre-Approval is based on specific education offerings and the qualifications of the Instructor Trainer/Presenter. If the specific Merrithew education offering is not pre-approved for ACE CECs, members are welcome to petition, if the Instructor Trainer/Presenter meet ACE’s criteria.
For more information, visit the American Council on Exercise website
National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP)
Upon completion of an approved program/event, member must submit the title, Instructor Trainer/Presenter's name and event/location and NPCP course code details to NPCP directly online. Letters and certificates of completion may also be submitted as proof of attendance. Pre-Approval is based on specific education offerings and the qualifications of the Instructor Trainer/Presenter. If the specific Merrithew education offering is not pre-approved for NPCP CECs, members are welcome to petition, if the Instructor Trainer/Presenter meet NPCP’s criteria.
For more information, visit the NPCP website
The Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)
Merrithew is an approved Training Provider Partner. As a CIMSPA Training Provider Partner, Merrithew Education has been reviewed against professional standards in the sport, fitness, leisure, and physical activity sector. Endorsed courses and workshops are based on specific education offerings.
For more information, visit the CIMSPA website
German Pilates Association (DPV)
Merrithew is an approved Training Institute. The German Pilates Association (DPV) has been setting the standards for high-quality Pilates trainer training in Germany since 2006. Membership in the DPV is linked to high standards and the quality of training. Endorsed courses and workshops are based on specific education offerings.
For more information, visit the DPV become a member page
Pilates Association Australia (PAA)
Merrithew's STOTT PILATES Intensive Mat-Plus™ 2nd Edition (IMP II) and Intensive Reformer (IR II) 2nd Edition Courses are now officially approved by the Pilates Association Australia (PAA). Upon completion of an approved Merrithew Mat-Plus or Reformer Course, graduates are eligible to apply for PAA Group Instructor Membership. Enrolled students can also enjoy the benefits of a free PAA Student Membership. This prestigious recognition promotes and recognizes Merrithew’s courses on the PAA website under Education Bodies Recognised by the PAA.
For more information, visit the PAA website
For complete information on petitioning and continuing education guidelines for a specific organization, please contact the organization directly.
All Merrithew courses and workshops adhere to very high standards and are regularly approved for continuing education credits, when petitioned. Our Education team is available to provide any information necessary to complete the appeal process for any organization where pre-approval is not available. This includes fitness related organizations as well as physio/physical therapy and other health-care boards all over the world.