What is the STOTT PILATES Rehab Program?
The STOTT PILATES Rehab courses were designed by rehab professionals for rehab professionals. The program, which is divided into a series of modules, is designed to teach rehab professionals how to program, teach, correct and effectively integrate STOTT PILATES exercises into a clinical environment
Are the exercises different from those taught in the regular STOTT PILATES courses?
There is approximately a 60% overlap of exercises between the Intensive Courses and the Rehab Program. The other 40% consists of unique variations and exercises for the clinical management of injuries and conditions. The Intensive courses teach a greater number of individual exercises, while rehab professionals will learn a wider variety of modifications using a number of props and equipment
Are there other differences between the Intensive and Rehab Courses?
Yes. the Rehab program teaches rehab professionals to use the specific modifications to address conditions within a clinical environment from the continuum of acute care to post rehab fitness and health and wellness programs whereas the Intensive Program is designed for Instructors in a post-rehab or fitness setting.
The Rehab program also puts more emphasis on programming for injuries and contributing factors and contains clinical case studies and clinical reasoning quizzes. Both courses will teach how to cue and correct exercises, however rehab instructors will employ palpation strategies to a greater degree
What is the same about the courses?
Both the Rehab and Intensive courses are taught by the best instructors in the industry and feature mounds of hands-on practice and personal evaluation. In both cases, participants are taught how to be effective Pilates instructors to get the most from each of their clients
Can I earn CECs (CEUs) from my PT board with either sets of courses?
Most PT or OT boards will accept STOTT PILATES courses, both Rehab and Intensive, for continuing education credits. You will need to check with your individual board to see what they require in an application. Our Education team can assist you with gathering the pertinent information. Keep in mind that some restrictions may apply
I’m a rehab professional and I’ve already done my training through the STOTT PILATES® Intensive program. Should I take the Rehab courses too?
Since 60% of the material covered in the Rehab courses is the same as the exercises learned in the Intensive program, there is a great deal of overlap. The unique information (40% of the course) you will receive from the Rehab program represents new variations and modifications of those exercises with a focus on acute and subacute stages of the injury, along with details regarding how to integrate and apply the repertoire in a clinical rehabilitative setting.
Specific indications and contraindications are also discussed along with practical applications via case studies and clinical reasoning challenges. If you feel you would like a little more time and practice working with the material and developing an accurate eye for appropriate movement patterns and common compensations found in rehab patients as well as improving cueing and correcting technique within the context of a clinical setting, then the Rehab program may be right for you