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STOTT PILATES® Enhanced Tone & Conditioning with Stability Chair™ & Cross-Bow™ Handles


Elevate your current practice and deepen your approach to the STOTT PILATES® Movement System with innovative exercises using the Cross-Bow Handles on the Stability Chair. This workshop introduces the Cross-Bow Handles and offers unique opportunities to intensify your workouts while providing diverse ergonomic support for the hands and wrists. Explore challenging repertoire, enhance understanding of exercise progressions and regressions, and improve accessibility for your clientele with the utilization of the Cross-Bow Handles. Increase movement options and expand workout possibilities on the Stability Chair.

Learning objectives

  1. Explore the functionality and novel approach to positioning with the Cross-Bow Handles on the Stability Chair.
  2. Enhance your practice by integrating high-level exercises from various Merrithew® repertoire, augmented by the Cross-Bow Handles.
  3. Learn to modify existing exercises using the Cross-Bow Handles, leveraging its ergonomic design to optimize hand and wrist alignment.
  4. Engage in movements featuring functional patterns, diverse positioning, and orientations, while strengthening the whole body.
  5. Refine your technique and improve strength, mobility, and body awareness.

Equipment used in this workshop