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How to Host an Appreciation Event

Your clients are an essential part of your business, so why not let them know it? Hosting an appreciation event is a fantastic way to let clients know just how much you value them. Making clients feel valued is a great way to build loyalty and a sense of community that will keep them coming back for your services and spreading the good word around to friends.

Think Outside the Box

Anyone can throw a party with snacks and drinks, but you want your client appreciation event to be memorable and leave your guests wanting more.

Start by determining the goal of your event, and let the goal define what you put together. Do you have an amazing new class you can’t seem to fill? Host mini workouts. Do you want to showcase your newest Instructor? Have a meet-and-greet. Do you want to build a sense of community? Create an environment that encourages clients to talk to each other, and consider a short game or two to break the ice.   

Planning Makes Perfect

Make a list and check it twice! As any event planner will tell you, a successful event is all about the details.

Start planning your appreciation event at least five months in advance, so you can nail down the venue, the guest list, any special gifts you’ll be giving away, and the marketing plan to let everyone know about it. Be sure to include time for adjustments and modifications should things not go according to plan.

When choosing the venue, if it’s not your own studio, make sure to check on access to parking, any noise factors such as nearby construction, and the size of the space. Make it as easy for guests to attend as possible.  

Consider how you will measure the success of your event. Ask guests to sign in and leave their email addresses, or leave a bowl for them to drop their business cards in to win a prize in a draw. Get creative about how you gain clients’ information.

Thank-you Gifts

This event is all about making your clients feel appreciated, so make sure they leave with a little something special. Small props or a gift card for a free class are great ideas. Or pair up with a business in your community for vouchers for their services to hand out to your guests.  


So you have thrown the event of the year and it was a huge success! Take some time after the event to gather feedback from your attendees. Send an email thanking them for their attendance, and include a short questionnaire that asks what they thought of the event. Talk to your guests the next time they come to the studio to find out what they loved and didn’t love about the event, so you can improve for the next one.


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