What is a passing score?
You must receive an average score of 80% (practical and written) and achieve a minimum score of 75% on each portion in order to pass. Both of these requirements must be met in order to achieve certification.
What will I be asked to do for my practical exam?
Time allotment for each practical exam
Level 1 or Combined
Level 2
1 hour
30 minutes
1 hour
30 minutes
Matwork & Reformer
1.5 hour
45 minutes
Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair & Barrels
2 hour
1 hour
Information Gathering: 5–10 min
The initial five to ten minutes of the exam should be dedicated to information gathering. You are required to ask your subject pertinent questions regarding history, physical condition and goals.
Postural Analysis: 5–10 minutes
For this portion of the exam, you are required to analyze the subject from both sides, front and back view. Using visual observation AND palpation, verbally relaying your findings to the examiner. You are also required to give a stated focus and general description of your planned workout including: what muscles/muscle groups will be targeted, what alignment issues will be addressed and what props or modifications may be necessary.
STOTT PILATES Principles: 5–10 min
Next you will review the STOTT PILATES Principles with your subject. They should be introduced in proper sequence, using clear imagery and movement cues to help your subject understand and focus on greater body awareness. Choose the movement sequences from The Principles pages in the manuals that will best demonstrate each Principle, and also serve as part of the warm up for your subject. Clearly explain why each of the principles is important, and how it will be incorporated into the remainder of the workout. If appropriate, you may teach one or more of the remaining warm-up exercises, however, be mindful of time constraints in the exam. To be sure you are touching on all the key points and for tips on proper cueing and correcting, download this PDF
1. Breathing
- In through the nose, out through the mouth with pursed lips
- Emphasis is on 3-D breath especially into the posterior and lateral aspects of the rib cage, because these tend to be under utilized areas
- Exhaling deeply can also help activate the deep support muscles by engaging the transversus abdominis
- Explanation of the action of the transversus and how it stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic region, especially in neutral position
- The gentle contraction of the deep pelvic floor muscles also aids in firing the transversus abdominis
- This breath pattern helps avoid unnecessary tension in the neck and shoulders
- This breath pattern helps relaxation
- The rib cage opens out and up during an inhale, promoting spinal extension and closes in and down during exhale, promoting spinal flexion
2. Pelvic Placement
- In neutral pelvic placement, the natural lordotic curve of lumbar spine is present
- ASIS and Pubic Symphysis lie approximately in a horizontal plane drawn parallel to the floor when lying supine
- Neutral promotes good shock absorption and efficient movement patterns throughout body
- Neutral is usually used during closed kinetic chain activities
- Imprinted position is a slight posterior pelvic tilt with slight lumbar flexion cannot be maintained and often used during open kinetic chain activities
- Imprint involves shortening of obliques without activation of glutes
3. Rib Cage Placement
- Emphasis is put on breathing into the posterior and lateral aspects of the rib cage
- Abdominal wall attaches to the lower ribs. Be aware of maintaining abdominal engagement and not popping the ribs
- Abdominals stabilize rib cage and therefore spine during movement of the arms
- Used to keep the spine neutral and stable
4. Scapular Movement & Stabilization
- Scapula lacks bony attachment to the ribs and spine (only attaching to clavicle), thereby providing mobility to the upper limb, which must be counterbalanced with stability
- It is important to balance the surrounding muscles and to control the movement of the scapulae
- The scapulae should lie flat on the rib cage and glide across it without winging
- Protraction, retraction, elevation, depression, upward rotation and downward rotation are available movements
- Stabilizing the scapulae is necessary during the initiation of every exercise
5. Head & Cervical Placement
- Cervical spine should hold its natural curve (anterior convex) and the skull should be balanced directly above the shoulders in sitting or standing
- Pads or pillows may be needed in supine or prone to prevent hyperextension of the cervical spine
- Cervical spine continues the line of the thoracic spine in neutral, during flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation
- Cranio-vertebral flexion, flexing the cranium on the first two vertebrae of the cervical spine, not jamming the chin into the chest, occurs initially when flexing the upper torso from a supine position
- Use these methods to (dynamically) stabilize the cervical area and avoid strain
The Workout: remaining time (see chart)
The remainder of the practical exam is dedicated to taking your subject through an appropriate workout. The time allotted for the workout portion of the exam will not allow for the completion of all exercises in the full repertoire. You must ensure that the exercises chosen represent a well-rounded workout that address all aspects of movement (i.e., flexion, extension, rotation, etc.) and cover the minimum required number of Essential, Intermediate or Advanced exercises, while being appropriate to your subject.
Level 1 (Essential/Intermediate)
Minimum number of exercises required
Combined (Essential/Intermediate/Advanced)
Minimum number of exercises required
Matwork exam
Approx. duration: 40–50 min
It is important to incorporate the Fitness Circle®, Flex-Band®, and Arc Barrel into the workout.
Level 1
8 Essential
4 Intermediate
8 Essential
4 Intermediate
4 Advanced
Reformer exam
Approx. duration: 40–50 min
Level 1
6 Essential
4 Intermediate
6 Essential
4 Intermediate
6 Advanced
Matwork & Reformer exam
Approx. duration: 70–80 min
- Matwork: 30 min
- Reformer: 40–50 min
It is important to incorporate the Fitness Circle®, Flex-Band®, and Arc Barrel into the workout.
Level 1
6 Essential
3 Intermediate
6 Essential
4 Intermediate
6 Essential
3 Intermediate
3 Advanced
6 Essential
4 Intermediate
4 Advanced
Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair & Barrels exam
Approx. duration: 100–110 min
- Matwork: 20 min
- Reformer: 30 min
- Cadillac: 15 min
- Chair: 5 min
- Ladder Barrel: 10 min
- Spine Corrector: 5 min
- Arc Barrel: 5 min
Level 1
4 Essential
3 Intermediate
6 Essential
3 Intermediate
2 Essential
2 Intermediate
Stability Chair
2 Essential
2 Intermediate
Ladder Barrel
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
Spine Corrector
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
Arc Barrel
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
4 Essential
3 Intermediate
3 Advanced
6 Essential
3 Intermediate
3 Advanced
2 Essential
2 Intermediate
2 Advanced
Stability Chair
2 Essential
2 Intermediate
2 Advanced
Ladder Barrel
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
2 Advanced
Spine Corrector
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
1 Advanced
Arc Barrel
1 Essential
1 Intermediate
1 Advanced
Note, an exercise with variations only counts as one exercise. For example, if Footwork positions 1, 2, and 5 are shown it counts as one exercise, not three. Also, advanced versions of exercises that are only slightly different from the intermediate (e.g. Short Spine) would not count as meeting the minimum requirement of advanced exercises, but may certainly be included.
Level 2: Practical only
Level 2
Minimum number of exercises required
Level 2
Matwork exam
Approx. duration: 30 min
Brief warm up
6 Advanced
Reformer exam
Approx. duration: 30 min
Brief warm up
9 Advanced
Matwork & Reformer exam
Approx. duration: 45 min
Brief warm up
3 Advanced Matwork
9 Advanced Reformer
Matwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Chair & Barrels exam
Approx. duration: 60 min
Brief warm up
3 Advanced Matwork
6 Advanced Reformer
4 Cadillac
2 Stability Chair
2 Ladder Barrel
1 Arc Barrel
1 Spine Corrector
How will I be evaluated?
The following areas will be evaluated:
- Postural analysis – followed full PA as per chart and covered all sections palpating and visually explaining what was seen
- Stated focus of workout – described a clear focus or workout incorporating muscular and movement requirements
- STOTT PILATES Principles – presented separately to the Warm Up in Matwork; taught all points in each section and used appropriate movements/exercises for each principle (what, why, how)
- Programming Skills – each exercise was chosen based on the Stated Focus of Workout and appropriately met the goals of the workout and the needs of the client. The workout was well-rounded
- Ability to cue – use a combination of imagery, verbal cues, and kinesthetic cues (touch) to aid in guiding the client through the exercises and transitions, cues were specific to the client and were a combination of muscular and tactile cues and imagery to achieve movements to incorporated and reinforced all STOTT PILATES Principles
- Ability to correct – use a combination of imagery, verbal cues, and kinesthetic cues (touch) to ensure correct alignment and proper execution of exercises; applied knowledge from course(s) to achieve dynamically stabilized, conscious and safe movement
- Ability to modify – chose exercise modifications that helped the client get the most of each exercise; used props and variations appropriately
- Knowledge of content – knowing the relevant repertoire of exercises (such as the name and level of the exercise, associated modifications, starting position, and the corresponding movement and breath patterns, use of equipment etc.)
- Teaching manner and energy – guided the client through the workout with control and develop a rapport; displayed effective attitude, motivational, verbalization skills
- Rhythm and pace of the workout – taught with fluidity, using transitions from one exercise to another, chose a pace that challenged the client without compromising the STOTT PILATES Principles or causing overexertion; cued in a manner that encouraged proper timing of movement and breath; the workout (which covers minimum numbers of each level of exercise) fit the allotted amount of time for the exam
Download the exam assessment guide (PDF)
Expect to be questioned periodically on the exercises and your choices. This is to evaluate the depth of your understanding of the exercises and how to administer them. After working on each individual piece of equipment you may be asked to teach a few exercises of the examiner’s choosing to ‘spot check’ your knowledge of the entire repertoire. The practice logs must be submitted on your exam date (either written or practical exam). If the student fails to submit all the logs within 7 days from the last portion of the exam, the entire exam will be void.
Do I have to follow the exact order of the exercise chart?
When being examined, one of the most important criteria is that you are able to create a workout that addresses the needs of the client, and that the workout has a certain degree of ‘flow’. The ability to program is also extremely important, so the workout must contain an equal amount of both. You are encouraged to follow the order of the exercise charts for the greater part of your exam, however, the exercises may be taught out of order if you are able to provide a reason for the order change. For example, “it creates better flow in the workout; it’s a preparatory exercise; it’s a nice counter-movement after what we just did.” You must be able to justify your choice. This is particularly appropriate when more equipment is being used as in a Full Certification exam.
- In an Advanced repertoire only exam, you do not need to do a postural analysis, stated workout focus or the STOTT PILATES Principles
- In all exams that include Matwork repertoire, you are encouraged to use props, including the Fitness Circle®, Flex-Band® and Arc Barrel and any others that were used during the course. The props should be used to facilitate or add challenge to an exercise as required by the subject
What is the best preparation for the practical portion of my exam?
In addition to fully understanding the material conceptually and physically reviewing the exercises, the best preparation for the practical exam is the practice teaching of as many different people as possible (family, friends, classmates) to apply your knowledge, adapt it to many different body types, improve your teaching skills, and become comfortable with your teaching experience. Practice teaching within the specified timelines and meeting at least the minimum number of exercises.
What do I need to know for my written examination?
The written exam consists of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank or matching type questions, and muscle identification questions. It will take you approximately 2–3 hours to complete the exam. However, you are not required to finish within a specified time limit. The exam tests your knowledge of the following:
- Basic anatomical terms such as anatomical neutral, anatomical directional terms, anatomical movements, plane and axes, joints & articulations, tendons, ligaments, and body prominences, etc.
- Muscle origin, insertion and action (please refer to list of muscles in the Matwork/Reformer Support Materials book)
- Recognition of diagrams of individual muscles
- Concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions of specific muscles during specific movements and exercises
- Movements that make up exercises and their proper anatomical descriptions
- Order of Essential and Intermediate Matwork (Matwork, Matwork & Reformer or Matwork, Reformer, & CCB exam)
- Order of Essential and Intermediate Reformer (Reformer, Matwork & Reformer or Matwork, Reformer, & CCB exam)
- Ideal postural alignment and groups of opposing muscles
- Poor postural alignment and muscular imbalances
- Modifications to exercises for poor postural alignments
- Programs to accommodate poor postural alignments
- Proper set up of equipment, starting positions, movement patterns, and major intent or goal for each exercise
- The STOTT PILATES Principles – anatomical descriptions and purpose
- Proper anatomical terms must be understood and used in all the relevant categories above
In addition to STOTT PILATES manuals and support materials, students are required to study basic functional anatomy. Outside resources such as Trail Guide to the Body, Andrew Biel; Atlas of Anatomy, Gilroy, MacPherson, Ross; Trail Guide to the Body 6th Edition Flash Cards by Andrew Biel; AnatomyMapp® by Books of Discovery; Anatomy Flash Cards, Anne Gilroy; Anatomy of Movement, Blandine Germain are highly recommended.
What are the policies and procedures for my written exam?
- No person will be allowed entrance to the examination room during an examination except the Examinees concerned and those supervising the examination
- You must appear at the examination room at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination
- The Exam Supervisor has the authority to assign seats at their discretion
- You may be asked to provide photo identification (signed Photo ID)
- Photo identification may include any one of the following, as long as it contains a photo and a signature: up-to-date passport or current driver’s license or current health card
- You shall not communicate with anyone in any manner whatsoever during the examination. You may not leave the examination room unescorted for any reason, and this includes using the washroom. If you require the washroom/restroom you must raise your hand to draw the attention of the Exam Supervisor and then wait to be escorted to the washroom
- All coats and jackets will be placed where you cannot access them during the examination. All unauthorized aides will be stored inside a bag, which should then be closed securely and set at the outside edge of the room away from the testing area. There will be no access to bags or personal items and their contents until the exam has been completed
- Unauthorized aides include, but are not limited to: notebook, personal notes, pencil case, cell phone, laptop, watch, and any other personal items. You are permitted to have only water, pen/pencil and an eraser on your testing space
- Any questions will be answered during the last 15 minutes of the exam. The supervisor will notify when you are able to ask questions. You shall raise your hand and wait for the Exam Supervisor to come to you. You shall not leave the room until the supervisor collects all the exam papers and informs you to do so
What video content can I review prior to my examinations?
All STOTT PILATES repertoire is available to be purchased through Merrithew Connect. Please review the relevant videos from the list below:
- STOTT PILATES® Essential Matwork Repertoire, 4th Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Intermediate Matwork Repertoire, 4th Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Advanced Matwork Repertoire, 4th Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Essential Reformer Repertoire, 4th Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Intermediate Reformer Repertoire, 3rd Edition (2 DVD set)
- STOTT PILATES® Advanced Reformer Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Essential Cadillac Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Intermediate Cadillac Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Advanced Cadillac Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Essential Stability Chair™ Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Intermediate Stability Chair™ Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Advanced Stability Chair™ Repertoire, 3rd Edition
- STOTT PILATES® Complete Barrels Repertoire, 3rd Edition (2 DVD set)
I took IMP 2nd Edition and learned the Sixth Principle. Will I need to know it for the examination?
At this point there will not be any questions on the written portion of the examination that relate directly to the Sixth Principle, movement patterns or additional information. In the practical portion of the examination, it is not necessary to demonstrate any content which is not in our course manuals; however, you are encouraged to include their concepts within the body of the workout. For example, describing the alignment of the legs in various exercises (one line through the hips, knees, ankles and toes to start the Ab Prep), or how a movement pattern is present in an exercise (hinge at the hips as the pelvis lowers in Shoulder Bridge Prep). No marks will be taken away if this information is not included, but including it will show a more thorough understanding of the material.