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STOTT PILATES® Rehab Program Information Session


This session provides prospective students pertinent information regarding the STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation curriculum, developed by the Merrithew® team. Discover how therapeutic applications of the STOTT PILATES method and select exercises can improve a patient’s or client’s stability and mobility in the lumbo-pelvic region, shoulder girdle and periphery. Explore how to combine the elements of sound therapeutic principles, the integration of current research, and the ability to employ multiple equipment functions to modify exercises to suit individual patient and clients needs. Find out how the specific nature of selected movements can help clients develop awareness, strength and coordination to overcome pain and dysfunction.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation curriculum
  2. Hear a brief introduction to the rehabilitative foundations of STOTT PILATES therapeutic principles
  3. Apply therapeutic principles to select exercises on a variety of large and small equipment
  4. Observe optimal vs. undesirable movement patterns
  5. Hear specific cues and images for correct exercise execution

Equipment used in this workshop

  • Pilates Mat
  • other large and small equipment as available

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