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STOTT PILATES® Prenatal Pilates on the Cadillac


Moms-to-be require special movement considerations and exercise modifications. The multi-dimensional Cadillac trapeze table helps bring this special population from traditional Matwork variations to appropriate exercise adaptations with push-thru bar, roll-down bar, arm and leg springs. Drawing on the latest medical information and ACOG guidelines, exercises keep anatomical and physiological changes, risk factors and movement considerations in mind. These workouts, developed by the Merrithew® team, are concentrated on second trimester concerns with appropriate positioning and resistance components discussed.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand appropriateness of STOTT PILATES® exercises on the Cadillac trapeze table
  2. Hear information about physiological changes throughout all three trimesters as well as possible contraindications during pregnancy
  3. Explore exercise considerations, including the client’s pre-pregnancy fitness level, health concerns and fitness goals
  4. Apply the STOTT PILATES Principles of stabilization to prenatal exercises

Equipment used in this workshop

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