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CORE™ Balance & Strength on the Big Blue Stability Cushion™


This engaging and challenging new workout, developed by the Merrithew® team, features a large Stability Cushion balance disk and a pair of secured hand weights. The combination of these props results in movements that are ideal for athletic training or functional fitness. The cushion provides an unstable base that helps activate the deep support muscles of the torso while the small hand weights incorporate peripheral resistance to movements of the arms and upper body. The Core Foundational Principles are applied in this fitness-based workout that will provide fun and variety – and a little extra challenge. Participants are encouraged to wear training shoes for this workshop.

Learning objectives

  1. Apply the Core Principles to exercises on a large Stability Cushion
  2. Understand how the unstable nature of the cushion challenges stability
  3. Learn how to incorporate small hand weights to increase upper body strength
  4. Discover how to include proprioceptive challenge into any workout

Equipment used in this workshop

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