Fascia, the connective tissue that weaves throughout the body’s organs, muscles and bones, is a crucial element in maintaining overall health and optimal physical function.
Recent research sheds light on how it affects range of motion in joints as well as injury prevention and healing.
Stimulating fascia – releasing all the tight tissue in your body – can help you move more efficiently. While foam rollers are a popular means of doing do, the Fascial RealeaZer relies on 40 hertz vibration for even greater impact, by bringing hydration to myofascial tissue.
Check out this video to see how to apply vibration using small gentle strokes via the Fascial ReleaZer’s flat or round edges.
Active Aging Population
It’s common with age to become more fearful of load transfer and balance. For example, people become increasingly nervous that they don’t have enough strength to be able to put weight on a leg.
This exercise, using the Stability Ball, is helpful for improving strength and restoring confidence for load transferring movements such as walking.
Exercises using the Resistance Loop are also good for improving gait by strengthening the connective tissue that is activated when walking.
The Resistance Loop can be used in the Puppet on a String exercise that clarifies how important proper breathing is to fascial stimulation.
Releasing the tight tissue in your body can help improve athletic performance.
Here are three exercises that support core strength development that is especially important to fitness enthusiasts keen to hit the slopes this winter.
- Anterior Oblique Sling Punches with Resistance Loop – Improve oblique and inner thigh strength as well rotation – a movement central to snowboarding.
- Posterior Oblique Squat Variations with Resistance Loop – Strengthen fascial continuities with a dynamic kick.
- Soak 'n' Squeeze - Use Twist Ball to help solidify core strength and control, strengthening the body’s fascial network.
- Use the Twist Ball – in a similar way as a kettle bell or medicine ball – to build resilience by making all the connective tissue in the muscle structure stronger.
Leg Swings with Mini Stability Ball is a good exercise for helping dancers re-establish proper movement and coordination.
This exercise also helps cultivate sensory awareness. It encourages you to take time to reflect on how you feel from one side of your body to the other. Where is your body in space and how does it feel?
This exercise helps foster rhythmic qualities in the body, making it more responsive on a fascial level.
It will help ensure the tendons will have some flexibility while also helping add a spring like quality to your movement. This comes from the health of the myofasical tissue. If it is not healthy and hydrated, you will be very rigid and stiff.