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Student testimonials

What's your story?

Every day we hear that our education programs make a difference in the lives of our students and, through them, to their clients. Don't take it from us, see what these fitness professionals have to say first-hand.

Do you have a story to tell? If you're interested in sharing your story, email

Elaine Mulcahy
Elaine Mulcahy

STOTT PILATES® training is second to none. I love how challenging it is, but that it also makes understanding anatomy and the essence of each exercise simple. When I began the training I appreciated how detailed everything was and how well it helps you develop an eye for dynamic stability.

With a background in psychology, I am somewhat predisposed to appreciate the connection between mind and body. Mindful movement is immersive and allows you to direct your full concentration to the task at hand.

I currently work with a diverse clientele and am eager to learn more. I’m particularly interested in the STOTT PILATES Understanding Scoliosis programming as it would be rewarding to assist others in managing their condition.

Lynda DePiero
Halo® Training
Lynda DePiero
Thunder Bay, Canada

After completing the Halo® - Applications to Global Stability workshop a few years ago, I purchased Halo® Trainers with Stability Balls. I introduced the Halo Trainer to my Pilates and dance students. Many who tried it found that they could do many of the exercises at a modified level. Within weeks, I could see that many were able to progress exercises to the next level. Being that I had already invested in the Halo Trainers and witnessed good results with my students, I decided that enrolling in the Halo Instructor Foundation Course was a must for me. It would only benefit me as an instructor to deliver expert Halo Training to students at all fitness levels and all age groups.

The training was very thorough and hands-on. Sarah Jarvis and Bianca Bolissian, who both are excellent trainers and a great team, familiarized themselves with each of us three students individually. They asked us what we currently teach, our background in the fitness industry and what type of clientele we presently work with. They provided exercises and progressions and regressions to best tailor workouts to our individual clientele.

Halo Training is great for combining with classes that I already have in place. For example: thirty minutes of a Total Barre® workout coupled with Halo core exercises, stretching and cool-down, or a ZEN•GA® warm-up, a Halo work-out, HITT in-between and back to ZEN•GA to finish out the hour. Halo and the Stability Ball with private clients who require therapy exercises. They feel good and competent when adding a new piece of equipment to the session.

Variety is the key to keeping things refreshing. With ongoing study and exposure to mindful movement, gradually the students will feel it themselves. It is achieved through quality training and experience. Mindful movement is an essential component for health and well-being.

Damian Wyard
Damian Wyard
Toronto, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Rehab Program

I have been a registered physiotherapist in Canada since 2003, and have worked in a hospital out-patient clinic, sports medicine clinics and private physiotherapy clinics. Before becoming a physiotherapist, I worked as a Pilates Instructor and Sports Massage Therapist in the UK, including touring with the Irish dance show Riverdance. In 2013, I completed the full STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation Program for healthcare professionals. This allowed me to introduce a new physio-Pilates program at a Pilates studio in Toronto, which grew from just two clients to a busy five-day-a-week practice in less than two years.

I always knew I would incorporate Pilates with my physiotherapy training because I think Pilates is the ideal technique for rehabilitation, as it addresses the root cause of many conditions and takes a more integrated-body approach. At the same time, I had become disillusioned with the typical physiotherapy model in private clinics with standard exercises, the over-use of electrical modalities and support personnel with only a very basic knowledge of exercise.

The STOTT PILATES Rehab Program pays particular attention to the details of the biomechanics of each exercise, and I found it was very current based on the literature. I liked how each exercise was broken down into modifications, with the rationale for each movement provided. I also liked how this course was tailored to healthcare professionals, with the use of case studies to illustrate how to integrate STOTT PILATES into clinical scenarios.

So now my dream has come true! I opened Pilates4Physio in downtown Toronto in February, 2016. This is a physiotherapy practice with a strong Pilates focus. As well as providing manual therapy treatments, I use a Merrithew® reformer with vertical frame, Stability Chair, and smaller equipment for most of my clients. I can include more detail in the exercises given to my patients, and provide a much more effective model of physiotherapy. The treatment plans I offer now range from dealing with the most acute painful conditions and progress to resuming normal activities and sports.

The STOTT PILATES Rehab Program gave me the knowledge and confidence to start my own business. I knew that adding Pilates to my manual therapy training was going to give me a unique and very effective approach. It has completely changed the way I work with patients and overall my work as a physiotherapist is much more rewarding!

Leyla Ghadimi
Halo® Training
Leyla Ghadimi
Vancouver, Canada

I signed up for Halo® Training because I wanted an athletic performance challenge, and to learn how to challenge my advanced clients, especially my male clientele. I really enjoyed the unexpected moves in the training, and how versatile it was, with and without the ball. I work with a wide range of clients, from rehab to advanced, and I found that the Halo Training exercises strengthening the shoulder girdle, focusing on balance and core strength are good for all fitness modalities. The exercises progressed from easy to more challenging, and the modifications can fit exercises to specific purposes, such as racket sports.

Michaela Bimbi-Dresp
Merrithew® Fascial Movement
Michaela Bimbi-Dresp
Munich, Germany

I took many courses with Dr. Schleip in Germany and wanted to add on more. I also wanted to have the opportunity to offer it to my students for CECs in Germany.

The course was intense, and very interesting. PJ is a great instructor and presenter. I offer fascia classes in my studio and at times use these new ideas to influence Pilates exercises. I think I’ll separate fascia and Pilates classes, as my current customer base comes for Pilates. My clients are mostly between 30 and 60. I’m planning to build up more of my business using mindful movement in the coming years, focusing especially on the active aging market.

I’m very proud to be part of the mindful movement community, and I always look forward to trainings and events. I’ve never seen such quality in the fitness world as I have with Merrithew. Mindful movement improves the lives of many, especially in the modern work world where there are too many outside stressors.

Gräfe und Unzer Verlag, Fotographer: Johannes Rodach

Larissa Tanis
Halo® Training
Larissa Tanis
Chicago, USA

Merrithew® Master Instructor Trainer Wayne Seeto was very energetic and encouraging to all participants at the symposium. I got in a great workout using the different modalities—Prometheus, Titan, Pan, and the other segments. I enjoyed using the Halo® Trainer Plus and incorporating the Stability Ball and Flex-Band for the arms and legs, the circuit/interval training and using my own core body strength. As a professional ballerina, I felt like I always needed more upper body strength for pas de deux-partnering. Halo Training provides an ideal way to achieve and maintain that upper body strength in a highly impactful way.

My dance training has sharpened my eye for analyzing issues and providing clients with what they need. I consider Halo Training as a kind of cross-training that adapts to any of my clients’ level of skill, fitness and ability. The interval training and cardio for endurance reaches an intense level, and then the calmness that follows allows for absorbing and achieving positive changes.

I have incorporated some of the circuit training and weight-shifting exercises from the program. So far, I’ve been using some of the Halo Training exercises with my more able-bodied and fit athletic type clients. Those clients do feel challenged and anecdotally report feeling more energized, fit, and accomplished from what I call the afterglow of the Halo training experience.

I have worked with cancer patients, post-physical therapy rehab clients, clients with knee injuries and hip replacement, clients with balance and mobility issues, pacemakers and more. I would like to also expand to working with athletes. Halo Training is especially beneficial for athletes.

I would definitely recommend this program for others, not only for a great personal workout, but for clients who want to be challenged and who have a high-level athletic background. This is also good for people who are looking for a safe way to push their limits with body weight training. The Halo Trainer Plus is highly portable and easily adjustable. Halo Training is a nice program for both individuals and groups.

Mary Lou
Halo® Training
Mary Lou Bacik
Cleveland, USA

I did not believe for a minute that at 68 years old I had the stamina or the technique to do Halo® Training for seven hours. I have a right rotator cuff repair, lots of arthritis and need foot surgery.

BUT I WAS ABLE TO DO IT! More miraculous to me was that I was not sore the next day. Truly, it was a real mind-expansion. The STOTT PILATES® training I received that made all of it possible.

Wayne Seeto was fabulous. He was constantly positive, pushing us to accomplish each round of exercises, completely confident that we could do it. The following morning when I got out of bed, without any soreness, I felt like I had climbed Mount Everest.

I focus on scoliosis in my Pilates classes, and employ Pilates modifications for those with that dysfunction. All of my clients are 60 or over, except one, who wants to lose weight. What a better addition to her cardio is there than the Halo® Trainer Plus? What’s amazing is that this age group could work with this piece of equipment.

I am going to purchase one to keep in my car and haul around with me to the various location I work at, and add it to my teaching repertoire. I can’t help but think the challenge would increase my clients’ strength and flexibility, and make them more confident.

Nicole Boehm
Nicole Boehm
Chicago, USA

STOTT PILATES® Trained Instructor

I started STOTT PILATES® classes as a way to strengthen my triathlon training, and found it to be the best cross-training method. I was smoother on my bike because of the core strength that I had found. My run speeds began to pick up because my legs were so much stronger. I had less movement in my body, making my swim more graceful and I had less resistance against the water.

At the time, I was also a group fitness instructor teaching weight lifting, spinning, aqua aerobics, and swim lessons. I needed to take my career to the next level; I knew Pilates was what I wanted to do. I chose Merrithew® because I had been teaching in-the-box style workouts. I was not able to correct people on form, and emphasized keeping the beat instead. I wanted people to be safe and get the most out of their exercise regimens. I picked STOTT PILATES so I could learn to make the most of modifications and help clients reach their full potential.

As a STOTT PILATES Instructor, I have developed an essential eye for the details of body movement. I have been trained to look for the way the body moves as whole, not only while performing all of the exercises, but also as it moves when clients get on and off the equipment. Then, I can take that information and tailor programming to that individual. The STOTT PILATES repertoire has a multitude of modifications, so I can work with different populations. Due to my attention to detail and knowledge of modifications, I train about 20 to 30 clients a week. I have had my average client for about four years.

Currently, I am in Instructor training, and I love teaching Instructors to develop an eye for detail, to understand how and why to use the modifications. Creating great Instructors is my goal, and the goal of Merrithew.

Danyal Timmermann
Danyal Timmermann
Saint Louis, USA

STOTT PILATES® Trained Instructor

I am a former dancer, avid runner, and yogi who was troubled by my core instability and weakness after the birth of my son, coupled with some aching knee joints from running. Luckily a good instructor-friend suggested Pilates as a method of ‘rehab’, and from the very first mat class I knew this activity not only resonated in my soul, but the strength and control that was required was just astounding!

So as any tech-forward-fitness-gal would do, I went to the internet to research everything I could about Pilates! STOTT PILATES, Lindsay and Moira’s story, and the anatomically based commitments continued to fall into the top categories of my research. I decided to look much further into Merrithew’s Instructor training program.

The combination of facilitating a defined postural analysis, keeping the clients’ connection to the 5 Basic Principles, and the anatomically based mind-set of STOTT PILATES, are 3 of the top reasons I chose this program over the others.

I love the modern and contemporary approach to the classical method, not to mention the fantastic equipment selection offered. I also feel like the amount of resources and training aids that are provided to us are fantastic. When I have a question or get stumbled in my studies, I am literally only a video (or handbook page) away from finding the correct answer!

I think that my intensive training has shown me that you are never too old to learn something totally new, and it can be a good thing to reinvent yourself. I am consistently celebrating the amount of education and knowledge I have added to my brain in the last 6 months! I am not only a stronger physical person these days, but I am a mentally stronger mom, wife, and business leader as well. I give a huge amount of gratitude towards my Pilates practice and to my current mind-set within this STOTT PILATES instructor adventure. I truly cannot wait for the next phase of my Pilates journey!

To future students, I would tell them to do their research on the time line of classes that fall within their certification goals. Ensure that they also review the class/practice/study hours expected to complete each course. It’s important to make a personal commitment for the weekly time required for the program, and then stick to this plan from day one.

Rafael Pinheiro
Halo® Training
Rafael Pinheiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I chose Halo® Training to learn new exercises and a new way to work with my clients. I’m a physical therapist in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I’ve been Pilates Instructor since 2003. I also work with CORE Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training and LSVT BIG. I work with all kinds of clients—young, old and pregnant. I loved all of the different ways to work with the Halo® Trainer Plus, and the course gave me a lot more exercises to use with my clients, and some ideas for great, fun classes.

Hyun-Sun Heo
Hyun-Sun Heo
Singapore, Singapore

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification

I studied Drama in University and used to teach acting. I was also a yoga instructor for many years when I decided to become a Pilates Instructor. I had discovered Pilates and loved that it is centered on anatomy and biomechanics and is focussed and detailed, with lots of modifications which is helpful for special populations. I also felt that there were more career opportunities in Pilates than yoga. In fact, one day I might like to become a STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainer.

Prior to enrolling in STOTT PILATES training by Merrithew® I did quite a bit of research on competitors around the world and went to a few studios to see the different approaches. I wanted to take my training at an internationally recognized facility so that I would have opportunities to work anywhere in the world. I love to travel and have lived and worked in Korea, India and now Singapore.

The STOTT PILATES curriculum is very thorough. I will say that I was surprised by the length of training, especially with my fitness background, but I really enjoyed it and gained so much more knowledge this way. Now when I am working with clients I am able to help them by emphasizing specific muscles that should be activated and can give very detailed instructions and cues. I also feel more confident working with those who have body issues, need help with pain, as well as rehab clients.

Throughout my STOTT PILATES training I have been given the chance to learn, a chance to look at myself and notice my own strengths and weaknesses. I felt very lost before, and now I see a path and the steps I need to take in order to reach my goals. I have more direction and I get to travel the world. I also discovered I have a passion for teaching and that I am good at it!

I would strongly recommend Merrithew training to others (I have trained in ZEN•GA® as well). The education is very clear and gives you a great foundation and the basic principles. It is a great place to start, even if you wish to get into other areas of fitness. I will say that it is not easy and it is a long journey and a big commitment so take your time and make sure you are ready to learn and enjoy it.

Evangeline Brouwer
Evangeline Brouwer
Mississauga, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification

I previously worked in Hotel Management but I always had an interest in fitness. After a personal injury, it was recommended that I try Pilates to stabilize my core and help my lower back. After I realized the way Pilates helped heal my body from my injury I wanted to share this experience with others and to help them improve their quality of life.

I first experienced STOTT PILATES training at a studio in Singapore after my injury and I really became hooked when I saw the quality and dedication of the instructors. All of the Instructors are all very experienced and passionate and each trainer brings their own unique strengths to the table. I was also very impressed with the teaching method and how it is tied to the practical application. The learning is very fluid and the themes connect.

My training has made me more aware of my physical needs and the importance of having a healthy body and a healthy mind. I can now interact with people more effectively and I am more in touch with my body. Having the opportunity to meet instructors, students and clients has broadened my circle of peers & friends, and my interest to continue learning and helping others.

I would let prospective students know that it is important to keep up with your training, pay attention to detail, always have an open mind and ask a lot of questions. Make sure you enjoy the journey, have fun and practice as much as you can!

Leigh Pascaris
Leigh Pascaris
Toronto, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Trained Instructor: Comprehensive Program

I previously worked as an Interior Designer and I wasn’t happy spending all my time behind a desk - I wanted to be up and moving a lot more. My relationship with Pilates began as a client at the STOTT PILATES Studio in Toronto that is part of the Merrithew® Corporate Training Center. The studio instructors I met while attending sessions as a customer were all so encouraging, and they helped me realize that I should pursue the path to becoming an Instructor.

As a client of the STOTT PILATES Studio for almost 9 years it was an easy decision to take my training with Merrithew rather than through a different mindful movement educator. I think the STOTT PILATES education stands out from other similar training programs because it offers a modernized training approach. I enjoyed the comprehensive program and the detailed knowledge I learned on anatomy.

Now when I am interacting with clients I feel I have a great understanding of the content I was taught and I can properly advise clients on what to do and what not to do. I can tell clients feel confident in me and I am able to answer all of their questions.

My training has had a very positive affect on my life so far, I am much happier since my career change. I love the lifestyle and that I can make my own hours, travel and interact with people. I would let prospective students know that the education can be overwhelming at times, but to stay focussed and you will get it, and get in great shape along the way!

Kaizeen Motafram
Kaizeen Motafram
Mumbai, India

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer L1

I was introduced to Pilates as a rehab client after a spine surgery due to severe injuries I suffered over time while working as a flight attendant. While the back surgery enabled me to walk again, STOTT PILATES® enabled me to run, and function pain-free for a longer duration.

While working on my rehab in the gym, people would ask me to train them in Pilates, and just like that, I developed a client base! This prompted me to delve further into the subject and after a year of researching Pilates Training, I opted to take my training with Merrithew®. The rehab aspect, comprehensive curriculum and stringent exam process is what drew me to STOTT PILATES® at Merrithew®.

Once there, the training exceeded all of my expectations, each instructor trainer had something to offer, based on their experience, knowledge and understanding. There is so much research backing the courses and the modernized teaching approach encourages you to incorporate your own style.

I now have a far more detailed approach towards training my clients, and I know how to spot muscle engagement. I am able to offer more precise instruction, work with rehab clients and help clients target specific muscle groups essential for their recovery and wellbeing.

I never expected the training to take me this far, I have a loyal and adoring client base and prospective clients waitlisted for months. My training at Merrithew® didn’t just enable me to stand on my own feet, it enabled me to fly. The quality of instructor that I am today, I attribute to Merrithew® (the trainers, the staff, the clients and my fellow-students). I am very passionate about my job and my education. I’ve always been one to help people and my job enables me to do that.

My advice to anyone considering studying Pilates would be, if it’s your passion, follow it. Be curious, listen to your trainers, read and ask questions, your instructor trainers have so much knowledge to offer. Work with people who are not students, keep practicing and always be open to learning more.

Catherine Hebb
Catherine Hebb
Cheshire, UK

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer L1, ISP

I have loved Pilates from an early age and initially started practicing it due to knee injuries from playing Netball. In addition to being a fully Certified STOTT PILATES Instructor, I am qualified as a Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist and have been combining the two modalities for over 4 years now.

STOTT PILATES training, and the whole mindful movement philosophy of Merrithew® gave me a framework to methodically work through the different muscles and movement functions in the body. I am now able to increase the awareness of my clients in the concept of “Prehab”, which I am passionate about. Prehabing is the act of doing exercise that will make the joint stronger and more stable so that should you suffer a fall or other impact then you will be better equipped to recover or may even avoid an injury to begin with.

With my passion for prehab, my business partner and I wanted to open a studio that is very accessible for younger and fitter clients that want to be able to complement their fitness routine with some functional movement based fitness. I am teaching clients how to use their bodies efficiently and hold themselves properly to help alleviate injured or tired muscles, and STOTT PILATES® is the perfect partner.

Victoria Scaffino
Victoria Scaffino
Mar del Plata, Argentina

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer, L2

In 2005 I started dancing and was very fit and strong, but lacked flexibility and grace. Pilates was recommended by a dancer friend and since then I haven’t stopped practicing it. I realized it is the perfect complement for any other physical activity. Finally, after two years of taking Pilates classes, I realized I wanted to make a career in it.

It changed my life completely. Before doing Pilates I was trying different trainings without getting the desired results. Now I can do whatever I want: I achieved the level of fitness I always wished for and have a healthier life in general. It also gave me lots of opportunities around the world for me to learn and work, which I didn’t expect. I love traveling and I was thrilled with all the possibilities STOTT PILATES® had to offer including working in Hawaii, Australia, Egypt, and in Argentina.

STOTT PILATES stands out for its scientific base and the systematic approach towards the method. Every exercise, transition, breath pattern and modification has a purpose, an explanation, a foundation. I believe in what I teach and feel backed up by serious professionals.

Maria Ochakovsky-Gomez
Maria Ochakovsky-Gomez
New York, USA

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer, L1

I was attracted to STOTT PILATES® training with Merrithew® because of their approach to modern biomechanics of the body, the principles and its flexibility to offer exercises and variations specific to the needs of clients. In addition, STOTT PILATES offers more training hours, a hands-on approach to working with others who have the same passion, and a plethora of training.

Merrithew also offers STOTT PILATES courses on a consistent basis all year round in addition to providing training sites in all major cities. Therefore, if I were ever to relocate not only could I practice and teach as a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor, I know I can continue furthering my education in this method.

The Intensive course and practice teaching working with different postures has improved my confidence and ability to put together an effective training regime that will be successful for my clients. I have found a form of exercise I can practice and teach safely until I grow old and encourage others to do the same. Hearing and seeing the success of my clients is an accomplishment.

Elizabeth Skwiot
Elizabeth Skwiot
Minneapolis, USA

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer, L1

I have always been athletically inclined and have worked as a professional aerialist, but a shoulder injury in my late 20s forced me to focus personally on mindful movement for a sustainable way of exercising and living. When I discovered how well-reputed Merrithew® training is, the choice was obvious. I love that the STOTT PILATES® programming offered by Merrithew makes the exercises so accessible to such a wide population.

One thing that separates STOTT PILATES from others is the rigor of the curriculum. One cannot become certified without a solid knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, posture, and the exercises themselves; I was surprised at how much I felt I needed to learn and study in order to become certified!

I also like that the education is scalable. If you’re getting started, you don’t have to spend thousands and become trained in every piece of equipment. You can get trained in Intensive Mat-Plus and offer courses at your local community center, or you can get fully trained and invest in equipment and a private studio. Either way, if the person is certified by Merrithew, the client knows the instructor is well-trained.

Arielle Strub-Farber
Arielle Strub-Farber
Toronto, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification

I studied health and physical education at McGill University. My commitment to helping others improve their personal health and fitness complements my love for Pilates and fuelled my passion to become a Pilates instructor.

I trained in the STOTT PILATES® comprehensive stream through Merrithew®. The STOTT PILATES method appealed to me most because it is the foundation of all the other mindful movement modality options of Merrithew. Even though I have a strong background in anatomy, exercise science and biomechanics, I chose the comprehensive stream, because of the incredible detail and time that is spent on understanding how the STOTT PILATES method complements every body type; from post-rehabilitation to elite athlete clients.

Merrithew is an internationally recognized brand that employs people in the health and exercise science world. I appreciate that the company constantly strives to integrate modern exercise science and improve the STOTT PILATES method based on proper research and technique.

I was very attracted to the apprenticeship program that is offered through the comprehensive stream. I have been able to create my own client base, and have met many of Merrithew clients through the apprenticeship program. I can now appreciate the amazing experiences and knowledge I have gained through teaching clients, and feel confident to train others having just passed my certification exam!

Merrithew has incredible Instructor Trainers who dedicate themselves to professional education. They have been so helpful to me and my peers, and are always there to give us advice and help us become great instructors.

I truly love my career choice and what I am doing – what could be better than that? I also feel so much healthier, stronger, and more energized than I have felt in a long time. My husband is particularly happy as well because he gets the benefits of taking Pilates classes with me!

David Taylor
David Taylor
Toronto, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification

I started doing pilates almost 10 years ago to accompany my triathlon training. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I’d one day become an instructor myself. I attended weekly sessions with my STOTT PILATES® certified instructor and loved the process of learning the repertoire and progressing to an intermediate / advanced level. At the end of 2012 I had the opportunity to change careers, and with my instructor’s support, I decided to enroll in the full certification program.

The comprehensive program appealed to me because of the depth of coverage. From functional anatomy, to postural analysis, the program provided me with all the relevant information I’ll need to satisfy my client’s needs.

I wanted to learn from the best so the choice was obvious. My instructor was trained in the STOTT PILATES method and I wanted to have the same experience.

It would be impossible to complete this course and not feel like you’re ready to take on the world. After completing the program the students are so well prepared to interact with clients. Upon completion of my training, I’m looking forward to starting my second career as a fully certified Pilates instructor.

My experience was enhanced by the relationships I formed with my fellow students and the instructors. The thoughtfulness and genuine compassion of the staff at Merrithew® was astounding. I’m honoured to be able to call them my friends.

Erica Muller
Erica Muller
Royal Oak, USA


My local gym offered a mat Pilates class and I decided to try it out. I was hooked after my first class. After a few months of going to classes weekly, I felt a difference in my body and noticed myself using the principals I had learned in class while participating in other fitness activities. It really helped me learn how to use my body more efficiently and become more aware of each movement, in and out of the classroom. After seeing the benefits myself, I was eager to learn more about the method so that I could share this wonderful knowledge with others!

The comprehensive program is perfect for me because I didn’t have any prior fitness or movement training. The anatomy component is helping me to understand the methodology behind the exercises and the specific functions of each individual muscle in the body.

The fact that the STOTT PILATES® method is based on the latest research in exercise science and biomechanics was what attracted me most. It gives a credibility and safety element to the method that other educators are lacking. The five basic principles that are the core of the method also allow students to form a solid fundamental understanding of alignment and how to modify exercises for any body type, which is extremely important for the safety of clients.

The whole purpose of Pilates is to restore the natural curves of the spine and rebalance the muscles around the joints, while helping clients become more aware of their bodies and forming connections they may not from other forms of exercise. The educational materials in all of the Merrithew® courses is designed in such a way that it makes it much easier for students to understand the reasoning behind the exercises and the modifications which allows them to become better teachers.

The well-rounded curriculum has allowed me to approach teaching more holistically, instead of focusing specifically on just one type of client. This makes me a more versatile teacher and I feel prepared to design effective workouts for a wide variety of clients and body types.

My goals are to keep learning new material to challenge myself and my clients. I want to ensure my practice is continually evolving so that I can keep a fresh perspective and design exciting workouts for my clients.

Erin Brennan
Erin Brennan
Toronto, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification

After personally experiencing the benefits of STOTT PILATES® practice, I was drawn to becoming an instructor for a deeper understanding. The mind-body approach to exercise has always appealed to me; after a chronic injury motivated a change in career, becoming an instructor was an easy choice.

Education through Merrithew® appealed to me because of its well-rounded nature. The repertoire really covers all the bases of strengthening and re-aligning the body, while keeping the movements functional. Every exercise has a focus, yet uses the entire body. It’s simply the best way to get a total body workout, each and every time!

The most helpful aspect in learning to interact with clients was the Apprenticeship Program. Upon completion of my course material, I was required to fulfill 100 hours of apprenticing. Being on my own, and working with both individual clients as well as group classes, gave me the opportunity to find my teaching style. I learned so much about myself as an instructor and also what to expect when taking on new clients, as well as progressing with returning ones. The experience helped me feel more confident in my instruction and ability to build rapport with clients.

I was pleasantly surprised with the sense of community. I was excited to absorb all that the instructors had to offer each day and was always impressed with their nurturing attitude. My classmates and I became very close after spending five days a week together for six months and they truly became a support network. I’m excited to work in an environment where everyone is family. Instructors, students and clients alike share a sense of working and growing together. My time during the course allowed me to build new friendships, a strong career network, and a new place to come home to.

Marina Buntovskikh
Marina Buntovskikh
Brussels, Belgium

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification, Instructor Trainer Mat & Reformer, ZEN•GA® Qualified Mat & Equipment

I got in touch with Pilates already more than 10 years ago. At that moment I was an aerobic instructor and fitness trainer. I was missing an intelligent approach to the movement. Pilates gave me a lot of answers and STOTT PILATES® was just a best school for me.

I am convinced that STOTT PILATES is the most complete and best-adapted approach to exercising the human body, and it allows for an infinite number of different exercises. It is a method that fundamentally improves posture and balance by working the muscles that uphold the spine and joints. It is adapted both to high level athletes and amateurs.

Not only as a student first, but now also as a teacher, I find this method has very good structure, supported by books and videos of very high quality. STOTT PILATES teaches you to think about the structure of the class, how and why to give modifications to an exercise, and the ability to see and correct what is going with someone’s body.

STOTT PILATES is a part of my life; it is my job and my business - I get so many benefits from it and it’s very important for me to share it.

Sandra Vaughan
Sandra Vaughan
Bridgetown, Barbados

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat, L1

I wanted the challenge for both myself and my patients to provide a form of exercise that would be beneficial to all fitness levels – a movement modality that could be incorporated into my day-to-day physiotherapy practice.

The STOTT PILATES® method seemed to compliment what I was already teaching my patients in the clinic as a physiotherapist. This was essentially, that it was important to have a strong core in the management of lower back pain.

My interaction with clients is different as I am even more confident that I can assist them in injury prevention, treatment and to achieve their long term goals of fitness. This program has enabled me to meet my clients at whatever fitness level they are at and offer them an opportunity to excel. That knowledge alone continues to ignite my passion for STOTT PILATES.

My next personal goals are to complete the Rehab Course and to eventually have a studio of my own where I can work with clients on the larger equipment, such as the Reformer, one-on-one. I am a firm believer in practising what I preach so it has made me more aware of my fitness, body and posture. As a physiotherapist, I do not only want to be perceived as being able only to mend the injured but to help individuals seek and explore safe exercise options.

Choose Merrithew® – it was the best decision that I made. A commitment to excellence.

Shawna Cleland
Shawna Cleland
Hamilton, Canada

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification, Total Barre® Qualified, CORE Qualified

I decided to become an instructor because Merrithew® education is about intelligent exercise and is the perfect complement to enhance my therapeutic massage practice and mindful movement modality growth.

In 2001 I started my training in the STOTT PILATES® Intensive Program, and eventually became a fully certified
STOTT PILATES instructor. The full certification streamed appealed to me because I had planned on opening up my own studio. I opened Knead to Balance Massage & Pilates Clinic in 2006. I have completed many continuing education credits to maintain my certification. I have broadened my repertoire with CORE Foundations course, and I’m soon to start training in the Total Barre® Foundation course.

I was attracted to Merrithew and STOTT PILATES, over other educators, because of the high calibre of training, specifically anatomy and the understanding of body movement. I was impressed with the other health professionals that were becoming trained in the program like Chiropractors and Physiotherapists

I tell anyone who wants to start Pilates training they need to go to study STOTT PILATES with Merrithew, for they are the best. Be prepared for some hard work ahead, but it’s worth every minute!

Abbey Bartasavich
Abbey Bartasavich
Buffalo, USA

ZEN•GA® Qualified, Mat

At the time I was in search of a new Pilates certification when I went to the Merrithew® website and came across an interesting new Mat-based course called ZEN•GA®.

Compared to other fitness training programs I have been through, I like Merrithew the best because it is a very motivating atmosphere where people love to share new ideas and their thoughts, rather than just focusing on the material and trying to get through the course. It is very interesting to hear from other instructors from around the world and what works and doesn't work. I appreciated that ZEN•GA training focuses on the background, reasoning, and facts behind each movement rather than just teaching movements and certain exercises.

All of my clients thank me after every class. They love ZEN•GA because they feel the results in their balance and stability along with improved tone in their muscles. Each person who's been through the class that had a previous injury tells me they are absolutely shocked and love it because incorporating the Stability Ball gives them support while making them feel safe and confident as they workout, which makes them feel good

Amanda Wynne-Jones
Total Barre®
Amanda Wynne-Jones
Tunbridge Wells, UK

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat & Reformer, L2, Total Barre® Qualified

A few of my clients had read about Pilates using a barre and were keen to try it. Having been certified with STOTT PILATES® I felt it would be an interesting adjunct to my teaching, and with the STOTT PILATES principles as a basis, that the Total Barre program would reinforce these in a functional and equally mindful way of moving. Total Barre was a natural next step for both me and my clients and I was not disappointed. It was another fantastic challenging Merrithew® course.

After I completed Total Barre, my goal was to incorporate it with all of my Mat classes, so I could give my clients this new challenging workout! Another goal was to also add segments into my cardio Reformer sessions. I made sure that modifications were made for each level of class, so not only did my clients feel that they had achieved the eleven segments, but it was done in a safe manner and equally important, a great fun workout achieved!

Merrithew has given me so much passion for Pilates, and my clients tell me how in the past they have been to other fitness classes but with the excellent training and my passion, they keep coming back to my studio. I was even able to train the Royal family in Abu Dhabi and spread my passion for Pilates, with the skills I have gained.

Anke Fruehman
Total Barre®
Anke Fruehman
Oakville, Canada

Total Barre® Qualified

I did an online search for barre training and when I read about Total Barre® and Merrithew®, I knew I could trust it to be a great program.

I enjoyed how well put together the course was and especially liked that the choreographed aspect of it as it was easy to learn and to follow. The training was well rounded and very intense. All faculty was very knowledgeable and I had no problem following along. Since completing the course, I started teaching Total Barre right away and my clients loved it and now I teach it on a regular basis. My training ensured that I got an instructing job right away.

I would definitely recommend Total Barre and Merrithew to anyone seeking training. In fact, I am planning on taking the STOTT PILATES® Reformer course in the near future!

Erin Jones
Erin Jones
Wheaton, USA

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification, Athletic Conditioning Specialist, CORE Qualified

Growing up as a competitive athlete, I had to become aware that there was not only joy in movement, but a purpose. This pattern of thinking was integrated into my personality and I have overcome many of life's obstacles understanding the mind-body connection.

I had heard great things about Merrithew®and started with STOTT PILATES®. I was very impressed at the detail of the program; the technical and biomechanical aspects of each exercise. The learning process drew me deeper into each movement and into myself. The most confident instructors are those who truly understand what a movement is supposed to feel like. I related to that very much.

The technical aspects of my STOTT PILATES® and CORE Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training allow me to work from post-rehabilitation to fine tuning muscle rebalancing to training an athlete to improve their performance from beginning to end. Additionally, mindful movement is truly for everybody, which makes my training very rewarding. It's a privilege to feel equipped to help any population move more efficiently and stay injury free for an active life.

Julie Gamble
Total Barre®
Julie Gamble
Kitchener/Waterloo, Canada

Total Barre® Qualified

I really enjoy Pilates and have always been a dancer, so loved the idea of helping others find the joy of dance and movement whether they are a dancer, have never danced, or used to dance. The Total Barre routines are so universal that everyone can challenge and enjoy themselves equally.

I was really surprised that every exercise is really full-body. In fitness, the focus is usually on a specific muscle group and Total Barre works your entire body for the full class while distracting you with fun. I am also able to focus more on the biomechanics, and the class appeals to a more diverse group of students than other dance classes. Since the exercises are easy on the joints and build stabilization, my students enjoy the full hour, challenge themselves and don't need to worry about injury.

Everyone at Merrithew® was full of energy and enthusiasm. This team is really dynamic and inviting and I felt comfortable right away and was immediately lifted by the positive energy. It's clear that they love the lifestyle and really want to share it.

I would definitely recommend this training to others, and already have. I also plan on attending, and possibly bringing others along, to upcoming training sessions. Many other instructors at my studio have asked about the Total Barre training!

Kathleen Zickel
Kathleen Zickel
Whitehall, USA

STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat , L1, ZEN•GA® Qualified Mat & Reformer, Total Barre® Qualified

I have always been interested and very involved in health and fitness. About five years ago I read an article in SHAPE Magazine about the benefits of Pilates. After researching it further, I decided to get certified.

I was attracted to STOTT PILATES® by Merrithew® after learning about their respected reputation from a local health & fitness organization. Once I had completed the Intensive Mat Plus, reviewed several Merrithew DVDs and worked with many of their instructors, I was confident that I had chosen an excellent path for furthering my education in fitness.

What separates a Merrithew education from other similar training programs is their commitment to excellence in teaching. When I complete one of their courses or workshops, I feel confident that I have the information, tools and resources to become an exceptional instructor in that specific area.

Since training with Merrithew I feel confident that my clients are learning the purpose of the movement they are doing, what they should be feeling and why they should focus on proper alignment when performing the movement. They tell me they find themselves adjusting their posture now when they are doing normal life activities such as driving, gardening and lifting. I have even received thank-you cards from my clients for inspiring them in fitness with my teaching. I credit Merrithew for being the source of my education, giving me the tools to learn and grow, and for the excellence and professionalism they inspire.

If you are looking for a program of which you can be proud, a community of educators that are both professional and supportive, an education that will inspire you as well as the clients you teach… then I would advise you to become a Merrithew trained professional.

Katie King
Katie King
Horsham, UK

CORE Qualified

I heard about CORE Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training from the Administration Manager at YMCAfit in London, who couldn’t say enough about it and so I took a chance based off her enthusiasm and signed up.

Taking this course would mean that I have the very top level of training for triathletes and seriously sporty people. In the back of my mind, if a fitness fanatic asks “Can you throw me more of a challenge?” I feel confident that I can now.

I enjoyed the friendly approach whereby the course instructor made an effort to involve everyone so the group integrated with each other right from the start. Seeing how hard everyone was working inspired me to do my best.

I would definitely recommend this course to other fitness professionals, it’s really challenging, and they’ll love it. I personally will be signing up for a few more courses too.

Leslie Berni
Total Barre®
Leslie Berni
Stamford, USA

Total Barre® Qualified

I am a passionate professional with a strong background in dance, gymnastics, yoga, Pilates and sports/fitness conditioning. With a holistic approach, grounded in the latest exercise science, I work to help those I teach and train to feel fit and fulfilled—body, mind and soul. I learned about Total Barre while searching online for a fun (and safe) barre training program in the New York area and really liked the way Total Barre stressed creative choreography along with movements that are safe, yet effective.

I liked that it was grounded in Pilates principles, and I also liked the way it incorporated lots of core, back and arm work, in addition to the typical glute and thigh work you see in most barre programs. The Corporate Training Center in New York City was lovely, the teachers were very accessible, and the classes packed a lot in. I left with good training and ideas for programming.

Total Barre® training from Merrithew® is very well-researched and the teaching is comprehensive and clear. Program materials and music suggestions make it easy to program and progress classes. I was pleasantly surprised about the amount and level of fun and challenging choreography presented. Including suggested music selections and beats per minute was also very helpful. The online videos are great for refreshing my memory regarding the choreography and proper technique.

Since my training with Total Barre, I’ve incorporated more ballet-inspired and Pilates programming into my personal training. The clients think it’s a lot of fun and are pleased with the results they are seeing—especially in their core and glutes. Class participants love the music and choreography and are so happy to have a “different” low-impact workout that gives them results. They also appreciate that it’s adaptable to most fitness levels.

Leslie St. Amant
Total Barre®
Leslie St. Amant
West Hartford, USA
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Total Barre® Qualified

After reviewing a number of barre classes and having been a former dancer and gymnast, I was looking for a class that could challenge individuals safely while maintaining the Pilates foundation principles. Total Barre® appeals to the masses while also appealing to former athletes, which is always a tough combination to find.

The Total Barre training through Merrithew is extremely thorough. They have thought out counts, rhythms, basic movements and have provided trainers and instructors with a course that can be taught for years to come. The material is well written and easily explained. Other courses may teach the material, but sometimes you lose the purpose or intent of the class while you are learning. With Total Barre you are always referred back to why we are here, the purpose of the move, why the muscles are moving a certain way and why they will be counter-balanced in another segment.

It is always fun to form new relationships and connections with those attending class. In subsequent trainings like Total Barre Endurance with Music, you are afforded the opportunity to reunite with those who took the Foundation Course. It’s like a college reunion; it’s fun, you learn what is happening in others’ lives, and you have something inspirational in common with one another.

Lorna Golombick
Lorna Golombick
Brisbane, Australia
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STOTT PILATES® Certified Mat, L2, ZEN•GA® Qualified, Mat & Equipment

In preparing for my wedding I was introduced to Pilates from a wonderful teacher who helped change my body like never before. In addition, as a physiotherapist the research regarding core stability and assisting with rehabilitation of injuries meant it would be a fantastic tool to use with my patients.

Getting the basics through STOTT PILATES® programming and applying it in a rehab environment was what I was looking for. Fast forward to 2013 and the Merrithew Mindful Movement World Tour – ZEN•GA was fantastic to address my interest in other mindful movement practices.

The thoroughness of Merrithew® education is the background in anatomy. The teaching, observation and cueing skills taught are outstanding and I am confident prescribing exercises that are functional and appropriate for my patients including the ZEN•GA method of breathing which is fantastic.

I have set up a cancer rehabilitation facility and I am utilising my 20 years of physiotherapy experience combined with my 15 years of Pilates to empower my patients to live life to the fullest. Training with Merrithew has made me passionate about getting people to move, no matter what their disability, there is always a modification that can be made to allow this to happen.

Olivier Coste Renoult
Olivier Coste Renoult
Montpellier-Vendargues, France
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STOTT PILATES® Full Certification, CORE Qualified, Halo® Training

At the beginning of my Pilates journey, I was simply eager to know more about the modality, learn more and practice even more. I decided upon undertaking the Mat training two months later and ended up taking my full certification.

I was lucky to take the CORE Athletic Conditioning & Performance and Halo Training courses in Toronto in 2014. I honestly didn’t anticipate the intensity of both courses. The kind of ‘good intense’ where you feel every part of your body solicited towards a common goal. Furthermore, when you feel that you are being challenged along with so many other instructors, and everyone trying to achieve the same thing at the same time. And it all happened with smiles and laughter, which made the whole experience so delightful.

The knowledge that comes with Merrithew® training led me to choose them over other programs. Every time I talked with one of their Instructors or Instructor Trainers, they appeared to know so much about the body and its function. As an Instructor I quickly realized that the way we are trained makes us want to know more and understand more, whether it be about the Pilates method or the body and its biomechanics.

My goal now is to become an Instructor Trainer. I want to share all that knowledge and, the same way my mentors were there for me, and to be useful to others and give their paths a new meaning. This training has changed my life from the inside out. It gave me direction, it gave me hope, and more importantly it helped me realize that I want to help others.

Patricia Rothman
Total Barre®
Patricia Rothman
Unionville, USA
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Total Barre® Qualified

I have been looking for programs that I could introduce to non-dancers that are safe and effective and give all age groups a positive reinforcement of structure and efficiency, and it had to be FUN! I attended many of the barre classes that are out there and noticed most were generic in form and structure. I started looking into Merrithew® since I had formal training in Pilates and thought that I would like to someday be certified with them in the STOTT PILATES® method. I noticed they were hosting their New York stop of the Merrithew Mindful Movement World Tour at the Baryshnikov Center of Performing Arts and decided to attend.

The first thing that appealed to me was their professional setting. It gave me the confidence that I was in professional hands and the training was completely organized and effective. The instructors were amazing in all aspects and were willing to give individual attention, kindness, gentleness and were approachable and delightful to work under.

I specifically liked the fact that they taught me how to design effective workouts, with every movement having a purpose and breath pattern and easy to understand templates. I have incorporated Total Barre into my classes along with ZEN•GA®. I find my clients want more that generic barre classes and the choreography is fun and challenging and my music is creative and upbeat. An hour class and they still want more!

I have found no other organization over my 25 plus years to be comparable to Merrithew, in their approach to teach the student how to organize a proper barre workout. Foundation work is the groundwork for all instructors especially non-dancers. When I acquired my equipment from Merrithew and set up in my location my clients felt the same way as I did when I walked into the Baryshnikov Center, professional equipment that was absolutely beautiful and sturdy to work on.

I would highly recommend this training program to all instructors looking for a place to get the foundation work and fully understand the method of barre to the non-dancer client.

Bianca Bolissian
Total Barre®
Bianca Bolissian
Toronto, Canada

Bianca Bolissian has been a devoted dancer since the young age of four. This is exemplified by her graduation in 2004 from the Dance University in Campinas, Brazil where she expanded her knowledge of classical ballet and contemporary dance. In 2006 Bianca moved from Brazil to Toronto, Canada, becoming a fully certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor by 2007. She then moved on to become an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew®, specializing in Total Barre® and a Lead IT for STOTT PILATES. Her passion for teaching and body movement is displayed by her outgoing and caring demeanor, always putting her clients first and providing them with an enjoyable and productive workout.

Monique Lavoie
Total Barre®
Monique Lavoie
Winnipeg, Canada

An Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® since 1997, Monique specializes ZEN•GA® and is a Lead IT for STOTT PILATES®. She is the owner and director of 3 Pilates studios and a STOTT PILATES Licensed Training Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A graduate of The National Ballet School and a former owner of a fitness studio in Toronto, Monique combines over 20 years of teaching experience in dance and fitness with her knowledge of Pilates to ensure that clients and students experience the best in Mind-Body exercise. She is a past presenter for both the Ontario and Manitoba Fitness Counsels and can teach certification courses, evaluate or examine for certification in the French language.

Formatrice d’instructeur (IT) pour Merrithew® depuis 1997, Monique est spécialisée en ZEN•GA® et est formatrice en chef pour STOTT PILATES®. Elle est propriétaire et directrice de 3 studios Pilates et d’un centre certifié de formation STOTT PILATES à Winnipeg, Manitoba. Diplômée de l’école National de Ballet et ancienne propriétaire d’un club de fitness à Toronto, Monique enseigne depuis plus de 20 ans la danse, le Fitness et avec ses connaissances en Pilates, elle peut assurer à ses clients et ses étudiants la meilleur expérience d’exercices Mind-Body. Elle était présentatrice pour le conseille du Fitness de l’Ontario et du Manitoba et elle peut enseigner les formations, évaluer ou examiner la certification en langue Française.

Paulina Vasquez
Total Barre®
Paulina Vasquez
Houston, USA

Paulina first became certified as a STOTT PILATES® Instructor in 2004 and later became an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® specializing in STOTT PILATES, Total Barre® and ZEN•GA® Mat. Prior to her career in the fitness industry, Paulina was a dancer, having graduated with a degree in Dance Kinesiology at the National Dance School of Mexico. Paulina has been teaching the STOTT PILATES method for over a decade both nationally and internationally. She has taught and presented at numerous venues throughout North and South America, the Caribbean and Asia. Based at Pilates South Texas, a Merrithew Licensed Training Center, she enjoys teaching group and personal classes, as well as working with clients with injuries and special requirements.

Paulina obtuvo la certificación completa de STOTT PILATES en 2004 y después por invitación, se convirtió en Instructor Trainer (Entrenadora de Instructores) para Merrithew con especialidad en STOTT PILATES, Total Barre y ZENGA Mat. Antes de su carrera en la industria del fitness, Paulina fue bailarina y se graduó de la Escuela Nacional de Danza de México como Licenciada en Docencia de la Danza Clásica. Paulina ha impartido el método STOTT PILATES por más de una década a nivel nacional e internacional. Ha presentado en diversas locaciones en Norte y Sudamérica, el Caribe y Asia. Teniendo como base Pilates South Texas, un Centro de Educación Licenciado de Merrithew, Paulina se desempeña enseñando clases tanto grupales como personales, así como atendiendo a clientes con lesiones y necesidades especiales.

Bob Andersen
Bob Andersen
Omaha, USA

Dr. Bob Andersen has been in the performance coaching field for nearly 20 years and brings with him a vast array of knowledge and experience. He has expertise in performance training and functional movement as well as planning and implementing performance / strength and conditioning programs for all levels from aspiring youth to elite Olympic and professional athletes. He was Head Performance/Strength Coach at Nebraska Wesleyan University, Director of Performance Victory Human Performance, Director of the Sports Medicine Institute of Nebraska, and as performance consultant for numerous Universities, teams, clubs and academies. Bob is now an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew®, specializing in CORE Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training. He has earned a reputation as a dynamic presenter, expert instructor, and engaging mentor. He graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University with bachelor's degrees in Exercise Science as well as Psychology then received his doctorate from the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Tim Fleisher
Tim Fleisher
Austin, USA

Tim became an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® specializing in STOTT PILATES® in 2007 and moved to Brazil as a Lead IT shortly thereafter to train instructors in the STOTT PILATES method at Pilates Studio Fit; a Licensed Training Center in Sao Paulo. He moved back to the United States in 2011 and now is pursuing a Ph.D. in Neuromuscular Physiology with an emphasis on Low Back Pain Research. Tim is a Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist, a Full Body Active Release Techniques Provider, and an Active Isolated Stretching Therapist. In addition to his schoolwork and training Pilates instructors, Tim acts as the massage therapist for the University of Texas Women's Diving and Swim teams, is a USA Cycling certified coach, and coaches individuals for triathlons.

Elizebeth Ellison
Elizebeth Ellison
Altanta, USA

Elizebeth’s career in the fitness industry began as an ACE certified personal trainer and her interest in Pilates initially began as a pursuit to discover how Pilates could help improve her father’s golf game. Elizebeth became fascinated by the STOTT PILATES® approach and its accessibility for all levels. She then expanded on her fitness education to include becoming a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor in 2004, and then an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® specializing in STOTT PILATES in 2007. In 2009, Elizebeth received the distinction of Merrithew IT Rookie of the Year. Her fascination and dedication to continuing education inspires her to continuously learn more about the discipline.

Cindy Hung
Cindy Hung
West Bloomfield, USA

Cindy has been a board-certified family physician since 1995 and active in her practice of STOTT PILATES® for 18 years. Her professional career has ranged from traditional family medicine, telemedicine, home visits, school based pediatric mobile clinics, urgent care, and occupational medicine. Always physically active and health proactive, Cindy has sought all the latest approaches to health and fitness, including Pilates, yoga, suspension training, barre, aerial arts, and all forms of dance. She has been a dancer for 34 years, primarily ballet in the early years and contemporary/jazz in her adult years, with a love of movement and science-based exercise. It is her strong belief that tapping into the myofascial and neurofascial connective tissue systems are the main portal of achieving graceful and limitless aging and longevity, and that it is definitely not from traditional medicine, medications or diet alone. She believes that STOTT PILATES® provides the tools for developing and maintaining core and overall strength, self-rehabilitation, and mind-body control.

Kristi Milner Quinn
Kristi Milner Quinn
Seattle, USA

Kristi received her MA in Dance at American University in Washington, D.C. in 1997, with core competencies in teaching, kinesiology, and choreography. She has danced professionally throughout the U.S and across Europe before becoming an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® and a Lead IT for STOTT PILATES® in 2002. Kristi realizes her passion for training new Pilates Instructors at Bodycenter Studios, her studio and a Licensed Training Center for the STOTT PILATES method in Seattle, Washington.

Noémie Jane Bull
Noémie Jane Bull
Montreal, Canada

Noémie Jane Bull started training in Pilates in 1991 while she was studying in dance at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. She received her STOTT PILATES® certification in 2010 and became an Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® specializing in STOTT PILATES in 2012. Noémie Jane is the owner of KINEXIS PILATES studio in Montreal and compliments her Pilates teaching with a number of other modalities. She obtained her certification as a massage therapist at the GUIJEK INSTITUTE and KINE CONCEPT schools in Montreal, her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Contemporary Dance and Music from the University of Quebec in Montreal and her credential in the Osteodynamie technique. Noemie enjoys working with a variety of clientele from different physical backgrounds but her main focus lies with Special Populations, clients with injuries and functional anatomy for movement.

Noémie Jane Bull a commencé à faire du Pilates en 1991, alors qu’elle étudiée la danse à l’université Concordia de Montréal, Canada. Elle reçut sa certification STOTT PILATES® en 2010 et elle est devenue formatrice d’instructeur (IT) pour Merrithew® spécialisée en STOTT PILATES en 2012. Noémie Jane est la propriétaire du studio KINEXIS PILATES à Montréal et complète son enseignement du Pilates avec de nombreuses autres modalités. Elle a obtenu sa certification de massothérapeute à l’institut GUIJEK et à l’école KINE CONCEPT à Montréal. Elle a un diplôme des beaux-arts en danse contemporaine et musique de l’université du Québec à Montréal et elle est accréditée en technique de l’ostéo-dynamie. Noémie aime travailler avec une clientèle variée aux conditions physiques différentes, mais elle se concentre surtout sur les populations particulières, les clients avec des blessures et l’anatomie fonctionnelle du mouvement.

Daniela Gonzalez Ares
Daniela Gonzalez Ares
Dublin, Ireland

Daniela González Ares is a Lead Instructor Trainer for Merrithew® specializing in STOTT PILATES®, Total Barre® and ZEN•GA® and is owner of Complete Body Movement in Ireland a Merrithew Licensed Training Center. Residing in Dublin since 1994, Daniela (called Dani by friends and family), was born to Spanish parents in the Netherlands and is a fluent speaker in various languages. She has always been interested in sport, particularly in swimming, karate, gymnastics and horse riding. Unfortunately Daniela suffered a horse-riding accident in her early twenties, which indirectly led her back to the gym, and a move to Ireland led her to STOTT PILATES. Daniela owns a personal training and Pilates Studio called AJNA in Dublin, is a certified gyrotonic instructor, certified yoga instructor, massage therapist and pink ribbon instructor. In 2012 Daniela received the award for Outstanding Personal Achievement by Merrithew.

Sarah Jarvis
Halo® Training
Sarah Jarvis
Toronto, Canada

Sarah Jarvis joined the Merrithew® team in 2004 after completing her Full Certification in STOTT PILATES® and is now Programming Coordinator in the Education department, a STOTT PILATES Lead Instructor Trainer and an Instructor Trainer specializing in ZEN•GA® Mindful Movement and Total Barre®. Sarah began teaching aerobics and weight training classes while finishing her degree in Business Administration at the University of Windsor. While working in sales and managing a club, she soon discovered STOTT PILATES exercise. Intrigued by the method and the ability to strengthen and refocus the mind and body, she made the transition from the high-impact training world and continues to witness the impact these programs have made all over the world.

Patrick Przyborowski
Patrick Przyborowski
Dayton, USA

STOTT PILATES® Full Certification, Instructor Trainer Mat & Reformer, ZEN•GA® Qualified Mat & Equipment, Halo® Training

Patrick Przyborowski began teaching Pilates in Ohio in 2003, shortly after which he met his first STOTT PILATES® instructors and was so wowed by them that he started his training anew, beginning with Intensive Mat-Plus in 2004. In 2008 he opened his own Pilates, yoga and personal training studio in Dayton, Ohio. Patrick became a fully certified STOTT PILATES® Instructor in 2010, and in 2012 became a STOTT PILATES® Instructor Trainer. He also holds a BS in Communication, an MFA in Playwriting, and is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer. Patrick teaches courses at his studio, Practice Fitness, which is now a Merrithew® hosting facility. In addition to teaching Pilates and running his studio, Patrick loves strength training, running, meditation and yoga, when there is enough time to squeeze in a class!