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STOTT PILATES® Rotational Disks on the Mat


The Rotational Disks add variety and challenge to Matwork at any level. Used alone or in pairs, they are perfect for testing balance and stability. In this workshop, developed by the Merrithew® team, exercises are performed supine, prone, standing, and kneeling as well as on hands and knees, isolating movement to upper or lower torso. The highly movable disks create instability, challenging unilateral and bilateral stabilization to resist undesirable movements. They can also be used to allow greater ranges of rotation or lateral flexion through the spine.

Learning objectives

  1. Apply the STOTT PILATES® Principles to exercises using the Rotational Disks
  2. Discover how the Rotational Disks can be used to challenge stability and balance
  3. Explore greater ranges of motion through the spine
  4. Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness

Equipment used in this workshop

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